Resumen Plan estratégico


Resumen Plan estratégico


International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Strategic Direction for the next Scale-up in Treatment Access


Concepts Goals Objectives

Investment in Knowledge


Strengthen community knowledge on the scientific, political and socio-economic aspects of management of HIV and related infections .

1.Ensure people living with HIV (PLHIV) and affected communities have developed comprehensive treatment literacy, including on co-infections .

2. Facilitate the creation and sharing of community knowledge, experience and tools within networks.

3. Support PLHIV and affected communities to strengthen their advocacy and leadership for scaling up access totesting, treatment and ongoing care .

4. Advocate for international consensus and action on optimal HIV treatment accessible to everyone in need.

5. Strengthen the capacity of community or ganisations and networks to influence decision-making on HIV.

6. Recruit, train and mentor HIV activist leaders, and provide opportunities for them to influence decision-makers and support each other.


Investment in Action


Engage and support advocacy by PLHIV and affected communities in all aspects of decision-making in order to ensure access to optimal– client-center ed, high quality , uninterrupted, affordable, and linked with diagnostics and other health services–prevention, treatment, care and support services

Investment in people BUILD

Develop and str engthen individual, community and network capacity , mobilization and leadership in order to scale-up and maintain high-quality  HIV- related treatment access.

Focus areas



  • Promoting treatment optimization
  • Advocating for earlier initiation and lifelong treatment for pregnant women
  • Oppopsing unfair trade regulations and barriers to  affordable life-saving treatment